
Leo Geo Signing and Bobo Backslack Reading!

Hello my little gems of the internet.  The Fizzmont Department of Exhibitions and Glamor Shots has been really on my back to keep this a secret, but I can't anymore!  I will be doing a signing with the inexhaustibly talented Joe Lambert this Friday, April 6th, from 5-6:30pm.  It will be at the center for Cartoon Studies (94 South Main Street, White River Junction, VT).  Swing on by and I'll write you the quadratic formula in your copy of Leo Geo!

More info on CCS's jam-packed First Friday can be found HERE

At 6:30pm, CCS faculty R.Sikoryak will be leading a comics reading presentation by a bevy of CCS students, faculty, and alumni...including ME!  I will be doing a reading, but NOT from Leo Geo.  Instead, I will be presenting a section of my soon to be finished (2 weeks!) graphic novel, The BAD-ventures of Bobo Backslack.  It's a humorous story about an unfortunate, squat, yet well-meaning man that has the worst luck imaginable.  OH GEEZ!

What a lineup!  It's going to be a blast!  I finished my slideshow, and all I need to do is get the sound effects recorded.  Time to dust off the old tape recorder!  Come on down!

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